Friday, February 26, 2010

Walking Dogs In The Rain

In the Pacific Northwest, it tends to rain a lot.  You would think that dogs in this area would be used to it by now! 

My dog Bella is 13 years old.  In the mornings, she slowly gets up to eat her breakfast.  She takes her time nibbling her food.  After she is done, she looks at me with hesitation.  Then she looks out the door to see what the weather conditions are like.  If she does not see rain, she leaps with joy towards the door.  If she sees rain, she slowly goes towards her bed and not the door.  I have to slightly pull her collar and coax her to go outside.  I see in her eyes that if she could talk she would say, "Are you kidding me?  You go!".  She searches for the spot with the least amount of rain, does her business and quickly heads back to the door to be let in.

As a pet sitter, we often have to take dogs out in the rain.  Some of our clients warn us that their dog(s) may not want to go out.  Some of the dogs shake and shiver at the sight of rain.  They continually pull on their leash to go back home.  They would rather be back home in their toasty beds!  It is a part of our jobs to be out in the rain.  We try to make the best of it and know that is in the best interest of the dog that they go potty outside.  Consistency is the key - especially when helping to potty train puppies. 

We've thought of various contraptions that would help keep us (dogs included) dry.  An umbrella is difficult to carry if their are more than one dog to hold or if we need to pick up poop.  Most dogs do not like raincoats or rainboots.  It's not natural for dogs to wear clothes and they often focus on the coat or boots instead of relieving themselves during the walk. 

If anyone has any ideas on how to keep dry, send them our way!

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